The Future of Sustainable Social Housing (FBAB)

An award-winning example of renewal within social housing


Dissing+Weitling's prize-winning project, FBAB, is a new model for organising social housing to offer a meaningful and relevant basis for the way individuals live and for the spaces ‘in between’.

  • Kolding, Denmark
    2014 - 2019
  • Client
    Wissenberg Rådgivende Ingeniører / MOVE Arkitektur
    The Municipality of Kolding's Architectural Award, 2019
    3,524 m²
  • Paradigm Shift Within Future Social Housing

    FBAB in Seest near Kolding consists of a cluster of award-winning family homes focusing on social sustainability and community. Right from the start, the solution had to be an example of renewal within social housing, which has historically led the way in creating new ways of living together.

  • Dissing Weitling FBAB drone
  • Communities and Spaces

    The building consists of 35 family homes, which all blend in with the landscape to form a dynamic whole. The village-like structure means that each resident can feel close to nature while also experiencing being part of a social mini-community. Privacy is interspersed with the physical spaces between the houses, and the spaces provide valuable opportunities for being together and influencing life in the area.

    The houses are built in wood, which gives a welcoming and Nordic look. At the same time, the choice of materials has several functional advantages – wood is environmentally friendly, flexible to work with, affordable and contributes to a good indoor climate.

  • Dissingweitling fbab arrival sketch

    FBAB is the result of a prestigious open competition launched by the Danish government in 2013 to envision a highly sustainable social housing area.

  • - Sammen med landskabsarkitekterne fra MOVE Arkitektur har vi skabt familieboliger, som ikke ’bare’ er bæredygtige i materialevalg, men også i den forstand, at de kan fremme samværet. I husklyngerne kan hver beboer både føle sig tæt på naturen og opleve at være en del af et fællesskab. Der giver en ny helhed, der adskiller sig fra mere traditionelle enfamiliehuse.

    - Torben Lindquist, partner

  • Kvalitetsstempel

    FBAB er med i Byggeskadefondens 2020-guide til kvalitet ved nyt boligbyggeri. Guiden sammenfatter fondens erfaringer i en række anbefalinger til proces, projektering og bygningsdele, og indeholder "eksempler på almene bebyggelser med inspirerende byggetekniske og arkitektoniske kvaliteter."

    Guiden kan downloades her.