Sundkrogsgade Footbridge

A figurative link between buildings

Dissing+Weitling, Sundkrogsgade Footbridge, diagonal view

Sundkrogsgade Footbridge is soaring high between streets, providing a direct link between an old building and new facilities.

  • Pedestrian and Bicycle Bridges
    2008 - 2008
  • Client
    Kromann Reumert
    25 m
  • Soaring high above between Lautrupskaj and Sundkrogsgade in Nordhavn, Copenhagen, the little bridge provides the lawyers at Kromann Reumert with a direct link from the old building to the new facilities facing Kalkbrænderihavnsgade.

    The design addresses a series of complex contextual issues, and is legible both as a fully integrated component of the buildings it links, and as an independent architectural element. The soaring concrete columns, seemingly detached from the old facade, hold the bridge forming an element geometrically and structurally simple which becomes virtually self-standing. Inside, the bridge glazing offers a great view over the harbour and it allows maximum climatic comfort even in the summertime.