
Museum Building at Domkirkeodden

DW Hedmarkstunet total

In the Norwegian, pastoral landscape, the museum building stands as a combined experience of architecture, exhibitions and surrounding nature.

  • Norway
    Culture and Museums
    2021 - 2021
  • Client
    Norske Arkitekters Landsforbund (NAL)
  • Dissing+Weitling's competition proposal for Domkirkeodden is a museum building in harmony with the site and nature.

    The museum architecture aims to be a stimulating experience in itself and a well-thought-out interaction with the unique surroundings.

  • DW Hedmarkstunet båd
    The courtyards change from summer to winter, creating a varied experience of the museum year-round.
  • The building's layout, choice of materials, and views of and light from nature help engage visitors in the museum's exhibitions and history.

    Openings in the facade provide views of the surrounding attractions and the lake, in a way that exhibition elements, art, and communication can function in harmony with the building and the beautiful nature.

  • Hamar atrium
  • The many functions are gathered like a living village around a central square (atrium).

    The living village is a transformation of a familiar, horizontal organization along a road, into a compact vertical movement around a central square. This approach helps to enhance the users' experience and orientation within the building, height, and light.

    Four functional “blocks” are gathered around a central atrium, which spans from a basement level to a recessed rooftop floor.

    The many functions are carefully placed on the different floors to enhance the spatial experience and functional cohesion. Surrounding the four blocks, there is an organically shaped outer facade in wood that "captures" an area, becoming both an exhibition space, landscape, and courtyard.

  • DW Hedmarkstunet atrium

    The architecture invites engagement with the past through activities in the present – in the atrium, in flexible exhibition areas, associated courtyards, and accessible workshops.

  • Hamar Museum gangbro
    The central atrium functions as a three-dimensional activity space.

    Movement up through the building, the "routes" around the exhibitions, and flexible interior design options, together with views of the surroundings and the open atrium, provide excellent opportunities for interaction and variations in the presentation of history, culture, and nature.

  • DW Hedmarkstunet snedker
    Et hus fyldt med aktiv historieformidling.

    The carpentry workshop, photo studio, multimedia room, library, auditorium, and exhibition rooms contribute to the life in and around the atrium. Even when some of these functions are closed, exhibition elements and projects will be visible as you move around the building.

  • DVH sketch 3a kopier
  • Space Optimization

    The building has a floor plan, where all functions have a carefully calculated size and location. The concept ensures that all areas can be part of the exhibition concept, avoiding 'waste space'.

    Solar panels, heating/cooling and energy savings

    Passive measures such as a compact floor plan, super-insulated wooden constructions, optimized daylight conditions in all living and exhibition areas combined with technical solutions including LED lighting, solar panels on the roof, and a modern heating/cooling system give the house the best energy conditions.

    The central atrium also makes it possible to naturally ventilate all rooms around the atrium during seasons when weather conditions allow. This saves energy that would otherwise be used for ventilation and cooling.

    In addition to the primary function of shielding and insulating, the facades are also designed as an integral part of the site's communication. The facade is proposed to be built from recycled wood collected from all over Norway.