Geumgang Pedestrian Bridge

An architectural symbol of Korean history and culture

Dissing+Weitling_Geumgang Pedestrian Bridge, pedestrian view

Geumgang pedestrian Bridge acts as a celebration of Korean history and culture.

  • South Korea
    Pedestrian and Bicycle Bridges
  • Client
    City of Geumgang
    POSCO, Engineering Division, Engineer / POSCO, Contractor
  • Our design concept for the City of Geumgang in South Korea was inspired by the intricate symbolism in the South Korean flag. The round Taegeuk with the interlocking semi-circles, symbolising balance, is a recurrent motif in our design.

    The Taegeuk inspired the interplay between the covered and uncovered areas of the bridge and the geometric shape inspired the way the bike path is separated from the pedestrian areas. In technical terms, our design is a steel box girder supported by quadruped piers.

    We aimed for a bridge that will not only get people across the river, but will also act as a destination in itself, with facilities for activity and leisure. Furthermore, we wanted the bridge to act as a celebration of Korean history and culture.

  • DissingWeitling, Geumgang Pedestrian Bridge, aerial view

    Winner of the HSB Awards

    The Korean Society of Civil Engineers recognised the genuine design idea, selecting the bridge as winner of the HSB Award 2017. The award acknowledges high performance steel bridge structures in South Korea.