Dissing+Weitling is part of the winning team picked for a new landmark bridge in Perth

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March 18, 2022

Together with the Civmec SWC WSP team, Dissing+Weitling will design the new Swan River Causeway Bridge in Perth, Australia.

  • The pedestrian and cyclist bridge will be constructed downstream of the heritage-listed Causeway Bridge, providing improved access across the Swan River.

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    The design of the structural elements of the bridges derive inspiration from the stories of Fanny Balbuk and Yagan - two key figures associated with Heirisson Island.
  • The bridge is part of a major infrastructure plan, aiming to encourage more people to consider walking and riding as a transport option in the area. According to Perth City, currently more than 1,400 cyclists and 1,900 pedestrians use the two-metre wide Causeway path each day.

    The new bridge will be six-metres wide and will provide a safer connection for people walking and riding from the Perth CBD to Victoria Park and beyond.

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  • Project development and planning is under way, with construction anticipated to begin in 2022.

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  • Dissing+Weitling's winning design for the Swan River Bridge is following another grand bridge project in Brisbane, Australia, the Kangaroo Point Green Bridge.

  • The winning team is:

    WSP Australia Pty Ltd

    Seymour Whyte Construction Pty Ltd

    Civmec Construction and Engineering Pty Ltd

