Svendborg pedestrian and bicycle bridge

An early example of a resource-saving bridge construction

Dissing Weitling Svendborg pedestrian bridge

The slender and curved pedestrian and bicycle bridge in Svendborg is both in form and function an early example of a resource-saving bridge construction.

  • Svendborg, Denmark
    Pedestrian and Bicycle Bridges
    2006 - 2008
  • Client
    Svendborg municipality
  • The pedestrian and bicycle bridge is a forerunner of Dissing+Weitling's iconic bicycle bridges like the Bicycle Bridge in Copenhagen; adjusted to the landscape and in a minimalist and elegant design, the bridge is a clever local adaption. At the same time, steel construction represents a new way in which bridge builders can economize with the materials.

  • Dissing Weitling Svendborg Stigbro gitter
  • The bridge construction uses a new principle for folded steel sheets, which means a more economical and efficient material solution.