Flexible office complex in Ørestad

Dissing+Weitling, KLP 2, facade

The KLP 2 office block at no. 13, Arne Jacobsens Allé in Ørestad is designed to comply with the multi-tenant principle. The flexible architecture and interior design make room for teamwork as well as immersion.

  • Copenhagen, Denmark
    Workspaces and Educations
    2002 - 2008
  • Client
    KLP Ørestad 5G
    Strängbetong AB / Leif Hansen Rådgivende Ingeniører / BC-Lydforhold
    30,000 m²
  • Flexibility is an integral part of the basic structure of the building KLP2 complex – lift shafts are placed to make it possible to adapt leased premises according to the needs of individual tenant businesses; and between floors, decks can be removed to create internal, open connections between floors within a tenancy. This flexibility means that the building can be adapted to house anything from one to 30 tenancies.

  • Dissing+Weitling, KLP 2, auditorium interior
  • Cohesion in this multi-flexible office complex is maintained both visually and functionally by the high ceilinged ground floor containing shared facilities for all tenants: reception desks, auditorium, meeting rooms and canteen area.

    The ground floor also connects to an outdoor atrium and to the basement level with its fitness centre. The building provides access to a shared roof terrace, and there are individual courtyards in various parts of the building.

  • Dissing+Weitling, KLP 2, interior