
New office building in harmony with the surroundings

Dissing Weitling kontorværket visualisering

The office complex is adapted to the context and designed to offer a pleasant flow for the users.

  • Valby, Denmark
    2018 - Under Construction
  • Client
    1:1 Landskab
    26.800 m²
  • The office building was designed on the basis of analyses of the area, and a new local plan produced by NCC, the City of Copenhagen and Dissing+Weitling.

    The office complex is situated in a growing city area and designed to co-exist with the surrounding urban context.

  • Dissing Weitling Kontorvaerket render office space

    In the center of one of the building's lobby there is a common atrium garden.

  • Taktile mursten med farvespil

    Bygningens facader og materialer er robuste og taktile, og store glaspartier søger sine steder for varieret dagslys og transparens, der understøtter stueetagens udadvendte funktioner og giver indtryk af et hus, som harmonerer med de grønne byrum og bydelens lokale gamle industribygninger.

  • Egersund mursten
    Blødstrøgne mursten med varme rødlige nuancer.
  • Industrial look and green outdoor space

    The building's facades and materials are robust and tactile, and large glass sections are catalyst for varied daylight and transparency.

    The facade surfaces, with their different heights, are adapted to the surrounding buildings and at the same time produce variation in light and shade. Green plants grow on the north facade.

    A natural fall in the terrain has been utilised for creating a vibrant terraced landscape that helps mark places, living areas and bicycle parking. A row of trees along Gammel Køge Landevej marks the transition between public and private, while an interaction between green space and materials such as concrete, steel and wood creates a varied living space.

  • Dissing Weitling kontorvaerket render

    Materials in reddish tones complement the area's special historical-architectural expression.

  • Flexible spaces and shared identity

    The office building consists of flexible work space, which can be divided into independent units and adapted to different user needs.

    The flexible work zones are useful for quiet work situations as well as co-creation, and at the same time, the buildings have room for shared facilities such as lobby, canteen, kitchen, meeting areas, café, parking garage and workshops.